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OCR Configuration

Kreuzberg offers simple configuration options for OCR to extract text from images and scanned documents.

OCR Configuration

All extraction functions in Kreuzberg accept an ExtractionConfig object that can contain OCR configuration:

Language Configuration

The language parameter in a TesseractConfig object specifies which language model Tesseract should use for OCR:

from kreuzberg import extract_file, ExtractionConfig, TesseractConfig

# Extract text from a German document
result = await extract_file("german_document.pdf", config=ExtractionConfig(ocr_config=TesseractConfig(language="deu")))

Supported Language Codes

Language Code Language Code
English eng German deu
French fra Spanish spa
Italian ita Japanese jpn
Korean kor Simplified Chinese chi_sim
Traditional Chinese chi_tra Russian rus
Arabic ara Hindi hin

Multi-Language Support

You can specify multiple languages by joining codes with a plus sign:

# Document contains both English and German text
result = await extract_file("multilingual.pdf", config=ExtractionConfig(ocr_config=TesseractConfig(language="eng+deu")))


The order of languages affects processing time and accuracy. The first language is treated as the primary language.

Language Installation

For Tesseract to recognize languages other than English, you need to install the corresponding language data:

  • Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-<lang-code>
  • macOS: brew install tesseract-lang (installs all languages)
  • Windows: Download language data from GitHub

Page Segmentation Mode (PSM)

The psm parameter in a TesseractConfig object controls how Tesseract analyzes the layout of the page:

from kreuzberg import extract_file, ExtractionConfig, TesseractConfig, PSMMode

# Extract text from a document with a simple layout
result = await extract_file("document.pdf", config=ExtractionConfig(ocr_config=TesseractConfig(psm=PSMMode.SINGLE_BLOCK)))

Available PSM Modes

Mode Enum Value Description Best For
Automatic PSMMode.AUTO Automatic page segmentation with orientation detection General purpose (default)
Single Block PSMMode.SINGLE_BLOCK Treat the image as a single text block Simple layouts, preserving paragraph structure
Single Line PSMMode.SINGLE_LINE Treat the image as a single text line Receipts, labels, single-line text
Single Word PSMMode.SINGLE_WORD Treat the image as a single word Word recognition tasks
Single Character PSMMode.SINGLE_CHAR Treat the image as a single character Character recognition tasks
Sparse Text PSMMode.SPARSE_TEXT Find as much text as possible without assuming structure Forms, tables, scattered text
Sparse Text with OSD PSMMode.SPARSE_TEXT_OSD Like SPARSE_TEXT with orientation detection Complex layouts with varying text orientation

Forcing OCR

By default, Kreuzberg will only use OCR for images and scanned PDFs. For searchable PDFs, it will extract text directly. You can override this behavior with the force_ocr parameter in the ExtractionConfig object:

from kreuzberg import extract_file, ExtractionConfig

# Force OCR even for searchable PDFs
result = await extract_file("searchable.pdf", config=ExtractionConfig(force_ocr=True))

This is useful when:

  • The PDF contains both searchable text and images with text
  • The embedded text in the PDF has encoding or extraction issues
  • You want consistent processing across all documents

OCR Engine Selection

Kreuzberg supports multiple OCR engines:

Tesseract (Default)

Tesseract is the default OCR engine and requires no additional installation beyond the system dependency.

EasyOCR (Optional)

To use EasyOCR:

  1. Install with the extra: pip install "kreuzberg[easyocr]"
  2. Use the ocr_backend parameter in the ExtractionConfig object:
from kreuzberg import extract_file, ExtractionConfig, EasyOCRConfig  # EasyOCRConfig is imported from kreuzberg

result = await extract_file(
        ocr_backend="easyocr", ocr_config=EasyOCRConfig(language_list=["en"])  # EasyOCR uses different language codes

PaddleOCR (Optional)

To use PaddleOCR:

  1. Install with the extra: pip install "kreuzberg[paddleocr]"
  2. Use the ocr_backend parameter in the ExtractionConfig object:
from kreuzberg import extract_file, ExtractionConfig, PaddleOCRConfig  # PaddleOCRConfig is imported from kreuzberg

result = await extract_file(
        ocr_backend="paddleocr", ocr_config=PaddleOCRConfig(language="en")  # PaddleOCR uses different language codes


For PaddleOCR, the supported language codes are different: ch (Chinese), en (English), french, german, japan, and korean.

Performance Optimization

OCR performance and parallel processing can be controlled through process handlers and extraction hooks which are configured in the ExtractionConfig object. The default configuration handles performance optimization automatically.

This is useful for:

  • Limiting resource usage on systems with limited memory
  • Optimizing performance on systems with many CPU cores
  • Balancing OCR tasks with other application workloads

Best Practices

  • Language Selection: Always specify the correct language for your documents to improve OCR accuracy
  • PSM Mode Selection: Choose the appropriate PSM mode based on your document layout:
    • Use PSM.SINGLE_BLOCK for documents with simple layouts
    • Use PSM.SPARSE_TEXT for forms or documents with tables
    • Use PSM.SINGLE_LINE for receipts or labels
  • Image Quality: For best results, ensure images are:
    • High resolution (at least 300 DPI)
    • Well-lit with good contrast
    • Not skewed or rotated
  • Performance: For batch processing, adjust max_processes based on your system's capabilities