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Error types for handling different extraction failure scenarios.


The base exception class for all Kreuzberg-specific errors:


Bases: Exception

Base exception for all Kreuzberg errors.

Source code in kreuzberg/
class KreuzbergError(Exception):
    """Base exception for all Kreuzberg errors."""

    context: Any
    """The context of the error."""

    def __init__(self, message: str, *, context: Any = None) -> None:
        self.context = context

    def _serialize_context(self, obj: Any) -> Any:
        """Recursively serialize context objects to ensure JSON compatibility."""
        if isinstance(obj, bytes):
            return obj.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            return {k: self._serialize_context(v) for k, v in obj.items()}
        if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
            return [self._serialize_context(x) for x in obj]
        if isinstance(obj, Exception):
            return {
                "type": obj.__class__.__name__,
                "message": str(obj),
        return obj

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Return a string representation of the exception."""
        if self.context:
            serialized_context = self._serialize_context(self.context)
            ctx = f"\n\nContext: {dumps(serialized_context)}"
            ctx = ""

        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {super().__str__()}{ctx}"


context: Any = context instance-attribute

The context of the error.


__str__() -> str

Return a string representation of the exception.

Source code in kreuzberg/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Return a string representation of the exception."""
    if self.context:
        serialized_context = self._serialize_context(self.context)
        ctx = f"\n\nContext: {dumps(serialized_context)}"
        ctx = ""

    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {super().__str__()}{ctx}"


Raised when a required dependency is not available:


Bases: KreuzbergError

Raised when a dependency is missing.

Source code in kreuzberg/
class MissingDependencyError(KreuzbergError):
    """Raised when a dependency is missing."""

    def create_for_package(
        cls, *, dependency_group: str, functionality: str, package_name: str
    ) -> MissingDependencyError:
        """Creates a MissingDependencyError for a specified package and functionality.

        This class method generates an error message to notify users about a
        missing package dependency required for specific functionality. The error
        message includes details about the missing package and the optional
        dependency group required for installation.

            dependency_group: The name of the optional dependency group that includes
                the required package.
            functionality: The functionality that requires the missing package.
            package_name: The name of the missing package.

            MissingDependencyError: A customized error indicating the missing
            dependency and how to resolve it.
        return MissingDependencyError(
            f"The package '{package_name}' is required to use {functionality}. You can install using the provided optional dependency group by installing `kreuzberg['{dependency_group}']`."


create_for_package(*, dependency_group: str, functionality: str, package_name: str) -> MissingDependencyError classmethod

Creates a MissingDependencyError for a specified package and functionality.

This class method generates an error message to notify users about a missing package dependency required for specific functionality. The error message includes details about the missing package and the optional dependency group required for installation.


The name of the optional dependency group that includes the required package.

TYPE: str


The functionality that requires the missing package.

TYPE: str


The name of the missing package.

TYPE: str


A customized error indicating the missing

TYPE: MissingDependencyError


dependency and how to resolve it.

Source code in kreuzberg/
def create_for_package(
    cls, *, dependency_group: str, functionality: str, package_name: str
) -> MissingDependencyError:
    """Creates a MissingDependencyError for a specified package and functionality.

    This class method generates an error message to notify users about a
    missing package dependency required for specific functionality. The error
    message includes details about the missing package and the optional
    dependency group required for installation.

        dependency_group: The name of the optional dependency group that includes
            the required package.
        functionality: The functionality that requires the missing package.
        package_name: The name of the missing package.

        MissingDependencyError: A customized error indicating the missing
        dependency and how to resolve it.
    return MissingDependencyError(
        f"The package '{package_name}' is required to use {functionality}. You can install using the provided optional dependency group by installing `kreuzberg['{dependency_group}']`."


Raised when OCR processing fails:


Bases: KreuzbergError

Raised when an OCR error occurs.

Source code in kreuzberg/
class OCRError(KreuzbergError):
    """Raised when an OCR error occurs."""


Raised when document parsing fails:


Bases: KreuzbergError

Raised when a parsing error occurs.

Source code in kreuzberg/
class ParsingError(KreuzbergError):
    """Raised when a parsing error occurs."""


Raised when validation of extraction configuration or results fails:


Bases: KreuzbergError

Raised when a validation error occurs.

Source code in kreuzberg/
class ValidationError(KreuzbergError):
    """Raised when a validation error occurs."""